I started making a few quilt tops and they are in various stages to finish. Here is the list of WIPs and the quilts I want to do in 2024 and also a couple of completed quilts from 2023.
1. Spinblooms started in 2023 and completed in 2023.

2. Little Coffee -Legit Kit started in 2023 - Top paper- pieced, sanwiched and quilting started. Need to complete quilting, add binding or facing and label, by June 2024.
3. Bee paper pieced block - started and completed in 2023.
4.Hibiscus quilt - This one I started in 2021 and still not completed.
Appliqued, quilted mostly, need ot thread paint, face and label. Would like to complete this in July, 2024.
5. Log cabin Lone Star - Center star is peiced late 2023. need to piece the outer areas, quilt, bind and label. Planning to get this done by May 2024.
6. Tula Pink Besties fabric quilt - started in December 2023, pieced and quilting started. Planning to finish by end of February 2024
7. Sew Sampler Block of the month from Fat Quarter Shop- 9 blocks done, 3 more to do.
Hoping to assemble, quilt, and complete in August 2024.
8. The wayward transparency quilt - started in 2017. It's just too large for my sewing machine. Will get this done by the end of 2024.
9. Small quilt with Bestie's leftover fabric - started in December 2023
10. Flowering snowball - started about 4 years ago with fabric from stash. Would like to see some progress as I did not know what other fabrics to combine with the completed blocks.
2024 list of Quilts that I want to do1. Poppies - Cherrywood fabric Challenge - due May 1st,2024
2. Happy Notes Quiltalong - Sugaridoo blog
3. Large Camera Block quilt from Happy Notes bonus - Sugaridoo blog
4. Laura Heine Butterfly quilt.
5. Ice Cream quilt - Happy Notes bonus.
Phew, that's a long list. The goal is to complete at least 4 from the WIPs before jumping into new projects.