Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Charity quilt 2018

I haven't done a charity quilt this year yet. This is pieced with a quilt kit. The kit came with the teal, white and solid pink 6"squares. I switched the pink squares with the blue flower fabric. It goes better with the teal squares than the pink from the kit. I am also quilting this quilt with ruler foot and a ruler. This is my first time using the ruler foot and ruler. Here I am using Squiggy. Completed this quilt 2 months ago and donated as well. Forgot to take a picture of the finished product to post it for FinishAlong Q4.šŸ˜ž

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Dreaming Bigger.

I have drooled over all the free motion challenges and designs that's going on around with Hoffman's Dream Big Panel. When I saw the panel in person, I had to buy it. I got the teal version panel. Don't know if my work will ever match up to the talents out there, but I have to try it for the fun of it. Here to the beginning:

Quilt sandwich basted and threads pulled.

I am thinking a green center with the blue and teal fanning out. I might change my mind about the green threads, not sure of it once it is in the photo. I do want to quilt petals with different designs and not an overall quilting, since that is what got me interested in this panel.

Friday, October 5, 2018


I have a few WIPs hiding somewhere in the closets, drawers, plastic tubs or in the stash. Time to tackle them one by one, so making a list of the ones I am aware of, hoping that these are the only ones. Here we go
1.  This is probably the oldest uncompleted project I have. It's the blocks from Sugar Block Club       hosted by Amy of Stitchery Dickory Dock.

2. This one is from 2016. Pattern from the ten degree wedge ruler I have. 

3. The Wayward transparency top yet to become a quilt.

4.  The trees, this one is hiding somewhere. 

5. Dream Big Panel
6. Portrait - Silhouette quilt -

7.  Charity Quilt

It's only 4, hahn. Should I make a timeline or due date for these projects? 
Now there are more projects that I want to make, may be I should make a list of those too. 
Planning to do the Dream Big first. 
Linking up with FinishAlong Q4.